What made the event truly memorable, however, was the heartfelt recognition of Prof. Alex Small with an OSSC Lifetime Achievement Award and the many touching testimonials by family, friends, former students, and colleagues on behalf of Alex. It's public knowledge that Alex is battling illness, but that night Alex demonstrated an inspiring grace and strength that resonated with all who attended the meeting whether in person, on-line, or in spirit.
This is volume 29 of the Images Newsletter. Volume 1 dates back to 1995. The history of Society communications is a bit murky before that. It is documented that when the Society was formed in 1951 a letter was circulated among the optics community along with return post cards. It is reasonable to assume that a similar system was use for meeting announcements and reservations during the early years of the Society.
In 1995, Images originated in paper form, sent through US mail, as the primary method of communicating meeting announcements and Society news with the membership. In about 1998, the newsletter was made available as a downloadable pdf from the website. In 2009, issues of Images dating back to October 1998 (Volume 4, No 10), became available to active members on our website. A few years later, members were allowed to opt out of the US mailed version of the newsletter. Eventually, the paper version was discontinued and replaced completely by the downloadable pdf.
The Newsletter suffered during the pandemic and was suspended in 2021. Donn Silberman revived the Newsletter in 2022 in email format as an eNewsletter published quarterly. These recent newsletters may be viewed in a browser from the OSSC website and are also archived as pdfs.
Volume 29 marks the re-establishment of Images as a regular Newsletter issued in email format before our regular meetings. We encourage you to share your thoughts, activities, and accomplishments with the rest of the Society by emailing us at Newsletter@ossc.org.
Images is your Newsletter.
We would love to hear from you!
Robert Cartland
OSSC Newsletter Editor 2024-2025